Which Cocktail Would Your Favorite Character Drink?
TV and movie characters, they're just like us! They unwind from a tough day or start the party with a cocktail in hand. They celebrate with a toast or drown their sorrows in a bottle. For fun, we've imagined which of our cocktail kits our favorite pop culture characters would pick for themselves. Check it out below and maybe you'll even get a gift idea for the Don Draper or Linda Belcher in your life.
1. Tyrion Lannister: the MULLED GIN FIZZ kit
(Game of Thrones, HBO)
This is what he does; he drinks and he knows things. Mulled wine will keep him warm (winter is coming here after all), while a shot of gin drives the personal dragons away.
2. Sugar Kane Kowalczyk: the CLASSIC MANHATTAN kit
(Some Like It Hot, United Artists)
“How’s the bottle? "Half full." "We've got bourbon. We can make Manhattans!" Marilyn Monroe’s Sugar Kane knew a Manhattan was good at anytime of the night.
3. Karen Walker: the LUSTY LADY kit
(Will & Grace, NBC)
Karen Walker: a lusty lady (natch) and always with a cocktail in hand.
4. Don Draper: the CLASSIC OLD FASHIONED kit
(Mad Men, AMC)
It doesn't get much more Don Draper than the Old Fashioned. He keeps it classic and just like this cocktail, he doesn't go out of style.
(Bob's Burgers, Fox)
Linda is the mom that loves to have fun. She’d appreciate getting her veggies in while drinking, as well as having a cocktail that packs enough spice to liven up any party.
6. Captain Jack Sparrow: the MAI TAI kit
(Pirates of the Caribbean, Walt Disney Pictures)
Don't worry, Cap’n Jack. Our Mai Tai includes TWO bottles of rum, as well as a premium dry curaçao, for a tiki cocktail fit for anyone stranded on an island.
7. Claire Underwood: the MINT JULEP kit
(House of Cards, Netflix)
Claire usually drinks her bourbon neat but we think she’d make an exception for this traditional southern cocktail. The Mint Julep is just a big boozy drink anyways, with a hint of sugar and a refreshing burst of mint.
8. The Dude: the MOSCOW MULE kit
(The Big Lebowski, Gramercy Pictures)
Yeah, yeah - we all know his drink of choice is the White Russian. But we think his digestive system will eventually need a cocktail not so heavy on the cream. Cue the Moscow Mule, a delicious yet easy vodka cocktail for the laziest of imbibers.
9. Ron Burgundy: the PENICILLIN & ROB ROY kit
(Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, DreamWorks Pictures)
Scotch, scotch, scotch. Ron loves his scotch and this kit comes with two different kinds of scotchy goodness. 'Nuff said.
10. Christina Yang & Meredith Grey: the CLASSIC MARGARITA kit
(Grey's Anatomy, ABC)
Known for guzzling tequila shots; this wild pair would love our kit for making top shelf margaritas. That is before they got too sauced and just started slamming the bottle again.
11. Lana Kane: the CLASSIC MARTINI kit
(Archer, FX)
James Bond ain't got nothing on Lana Kane. This badass spy would love our Classic Martini. It's sophisticated yet packs a punch, just like Lana.
12. Sam Axe: the CLASSIC MOJITO kit
(Burn Notice, USA)
Sam Axe loves mojitos, the military, and Miami. The only question is how many Mojito kits he'll need.
13. Carrie Bradshaw: the COSMOPOLITAN kit
(Sex & the City, HBO)
Carrie and the gang basically put Cosmos on the map. Our recipe is a more sophisticated take that we think the -ahem- more mature ladies would appreciate these days.
14. Antoine Batiste: the SAZERAC kit
(Treme, HBO)
Antoine loves NOLA music, NOLA food, and NOLA ladies. Obviously, he'd pick this classic NOLA cocktail.
15. Calamity Jane: the AGED MANHATTAN kit
(Deadwood, HBO)
Jane loved her whiskey and was known for being a bit lax in the cleanliness department. We think she’d enjoy the laziness of the Aged Manhattan. Mix a batch ahead of time and then drink all week long. If it lasts that long...
16. Forest Gump: the SALTED CARAMEL APPLE SOUR kit
(Forest Gump, Paramount Pictures)
Forest is as American as apple pie and has a known sweet tooth (15 Dr. Peppers?!). We think a grown-up Forest would enjoy the balance of tart apple brandy and sweet caramel syrup in this seasonal cocktail.
17. Dexter Morgan: the BLOOD ORANGE HABANERO MARG kit
(Dexter, Showtime)
Dexter wouldn't be able to pass up a blood orange cocktail with dangerous spice levels.
18. William Wallace: the HUDSON HIGHLAND CUP kit
(Braveheart, Paramount Pictures)
No question- it's scotch and hard apple cider for this Highlander. Both are proven to help in battle, we think.
19. Amélie: the JULIET & ROMEO Kit
(Amélie, UGC-Fox Distribution)
The romantic and adventurous Amélie would appreciate this delicate, floral cocktail with gin and rose water.
20. Olivia Pope: the MILK THISTLE SPRITZ kit
(Scandal, ABC)
Obviously, wine is Olivia's drink of choice. But milk thistle is said to help with hangovers, so we think she'd give this apéritif cocktail a chance. Plus, she wouldn't be afraid of the ruby red color, considering how much red wine she never spills on white clothing. (Girl's got skills.)
21. Marge Gunderson: the OLD DUTCHMAN kit
(Fargo, Gramercy Pictures)
We think Marge would appreciate the warming sensation of spicy bourbon, along with the comfort of maple syrup. Plus Fargo, ND seems like just the kind of place that appreciates birch beer.
22. O-Ren Ishii: the SEVEN SPICE SOUR kit
(Kill Bill, Miramax Films)
O-Ren Ishii is the queen of the Tokyo underworld, so she'd clearly enjoy a sophisticated sake cocktail with potent spice hidden just underneath the surface.
23. Captain Jean-Luc Picard: the HOT TODDY kit
(Star Trek: TNG, CBS)
Earl Grey, hot. But how about a chamomile hot toddy? We think Jean-Luc would dig the chamomile syrup and tea in the Star Superior and Hot Toddy kit.
24. John Michael Dorian (J.D.): the AMARETTO SOUR kit
(Scrubs, ABC/NBC)
The bright green Appletini was J.D.'s drink of choice, so he's not afraid to rock a "feminine" drink. Our recipe includes cask-strength bourbon, for a perfect balance of sweet and boozy that J.D. might need after a long day at the hospital.
25. John McClane: the WILD ROVER kit
(Die Hard, 20th Century Fox)
This patriot loves whiskey but with his Irish roots, we think he’d enjoy the masculine simplicity of the Wild Rover.
26. Bob Harris: the YAKUZA OLD FASHIONED kit
(Lost in Translation, Focus Features)
Between filming his Suntory ads, Bob Harris would definitely sip on a Yakuza Old Fashioned featuring japanese whiskey, burnt sugar syrup, and five spice bitters.